The above mentioned reasons made the authorities to think about an outside support system for the support of Vocational Education in schools. Thus the Department proposes for an “In site Monitoring, support and Self Evaluation (IMSS) help and self Evaluation system to be installed to achieve the objectives of VHSE System for the hemifit of all the stake holders of Vocational Education in Kerala.
The IMSS shall the comprised of eminent teachers of subjects who has proved their competency in the concerned field, (since almost all teachers in the authorities are young and the most experienced is 10-15 years we will have to look for retired/ teachers from other sections) experienced and competent tradesmen representations from Industry/Service section. (Public /Private). The tradesmen and representation form Industry/ Service sector can be helpful in the development of skill competency in students and to suggest various different and improved approaches that can be adopted to attain skills in latest technology, so also suggest modifications in Laboratory environment.
The IMSS shall the comprised of eminent teachers of subjects who has proved their competency in the concerned field, (since almost all teachers in the authorities are young and the most experienced is 10-15 years we will have to look for retired/ teachers from other sections) experienced and competent tradesmen representations from Industry/Service section. (Public /Private). The tradesmen and representation form Industry/ Service sector can be helpful in the development of skill competency in students and to suggest various different and improved approaches that can be adopted to attain skills in latest technology, so also suggest modifications in Laboratory environment.